Got Questions? Get Answers!

Equipping students
spiritually, relationally, and intellectually


There is always so much happening at Calumet - see the items below for quick updates on current events!

Got Questions?

There can be so many things to remember, which means so many things to forget. Check out our FAQ page HERE or use our Contact Form if you can't find what you're looking for.

COVID info

We will be asking students to be prepared to be masked if there is COVID in your household. Also masks should be worn, after a person's quarantine ends for a 5 day period. Thanks for being prepared!

school calendar for 2024-25

The School Calendar for the 2024-2025 School Year is now available. Click Here

My three children have been nurtured and challenged both academically and spiritually at Calumet. The teachers and staff work hard to foster community throughout the school and I hope my children will maintain some of the friendships they are building for a lifetime.

Chelsea & Jon Pavkov
Elementary Parent

I'm so grateful for how my family has been cared for by the teachers and staff at Calumet. My kids thrive here under the individual attention they receive from role models who really value academics, character, and community."